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Navigating the Evolution of B2B Sales: Insights from Taft Love

Feb 14, 2024

Welcome back to Stronger Sales Teams, the go-to destination for real-world advice on developing powerhouse B2B sales teams. Today's blog features an insightful conversation with Taft Love, a former Police Officer and Federal Investigator turned Sales Operations Leader. Taft has crafted sales development operations teams for high-growth startups such as Panda Docs, Smart Recruiters, and Doxy. Currently leading teams at Dropbox, he is also the brains behind Iceberg RevOps, a startup catering to the needs of high-growth startups.

From Policing to Sales: A Unique Journey

Taft's career shift from enforcing the law to leading sales operations teams is nothing short of fascinating. Having transitioned from wielding power in law enforcement to influencing people in sales, Taft has an impressive background that includes founding Iceberg RevOps and advising startups.

Iceberg RevOps: Bridging the Gap for Startups

Founded five years ago, Iceberg RevOps emerged from Taft's experience as a Sales and Operations Leader. The company specializes in helping small businesses transition from founder-led selling to establishing an in-house, qualified operations team. Iceberg RevOps offers a bridge that addresses the operational challenges many startups face as they grow.

The Shift from Founder-Led Sales to External Sales

Taft shares valuable insights on when startups should consider transitioning from founder-led sales to a model where external sales experts are brought in. He emphasizes the importance of founders having a foundational understanding of sales and making the shift based on their individual experiences and toolsets.

Unpacking the Terminology: RevOps and Sales Enablement

In the dynamic world of sales, terminologies like RevOps and Sales Enablement often evolve. Taft breaks down these terms, emphasizing that RevOps, when correctly implemented, is a centralized function that owns the customer experience from start to finish. Sales Enablement, on the other hand, focuses on providing sellers with the resources they need to succeed.

The Impact of AI on Sales

Taft and Ben delve into the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in sales. While acknowledging AI's potential, Taft highlights its current misuse and emphasizes the need for practical applications. He provides insights into a real estate startup using GPT-4 chatbots for effective communication, showcasing one of the promising applications of AI.

Data Accuracy vs. Trustworthiness

Discussing the crucial topic of data accuracy and trustworthiness, Taft introduces the concept of trustworthy data beyond mere accuracy. He touches upon the layers involved in ensuring data trustworthiness, suggesting that AI could play a role in enhancing data cleanliness and reliability.

Traits of Successful Sales Leaders

Taft identifies adaptability, intellectual curiosity, and high emotional intelligence (EQ) as key traits of successful sales leaders. He emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning, underlining that adaptability is crucial in an ever-changing sales landscape.

Learning Go-Tos

In the realm of learning, Taft reveals his preference for non-traditional sources, with a particular focus on YouTube. He believes that the platform's visual nature is conducive to his learning style, complemented by traditional sources like books and blogs.

Connect with Taft Love

To connect with Taft Love, the best way is through LinkedIn. He welcomes connection requests, urging those reaching out to mention the podcast to ensure a meaningful connection.

Listen to the podcast: What is Sales Enablement and Why All the Fuss with Taft Love


This episode provides a deep dive into the world of B2B sales, exploring the journey of a unique individual and extracting valuable insights for startup leaders and sales enthusiasts alike. Stay tuned for more engaging discussions on Stronger Sales Teams.


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About the Author

Hi, I’m Ben

I’m a builder of incredible sales teams, trainer, coach and an avid believer that the best sales leaders are constantly sharpening their tools to achieve an ‘edge’.

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