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Building High-Performing Sales Teams: A Practical Guide

Jan 02, 2024

Welcome back to another episode of the Stronger Sales Teams blog, where we unravel the complexities of B2B sales management to guide sales leaders in developing supercharged teams.

Over previous blog articles, the four key habits of building high performing sales teams that we've explored are:

  • Implementing a Sales Process: Establishing a consistent and repeatable sales process.
  • The Team STEP Model: Focusing on the four key levers for peak performance—strategy, talent, energy, and teams.
  • The Three-Box Model: A simple yet effective measurement metric to gauge team performance.
  • Long-term Training, Coaching, and Accountability: Prioritizing ongoing sales leadership training and coaching for sustained success.

Now, let's delve into the actionable steps you can take to implement these habits in your high performing sales team.

Actionable Steps for Implementation

1. Building the Sales Process: Begin by getting your team's buy-in. Utilize templates to define stages, key activities, metrics, and systems. Agree on rules of engagement, making the sales process visible in all aspects of your business.

2. Building the Team Playbook (Team STEP Model): Use the Team STEP Model to focus on key areas—strategy, talent, and energy. Develop a playbook that addresses five to seven aspects per area, embracing both strengths and areas needing improvement.

3. Building the Three-Box Model: With the sales process and Team STEP Model in place, build metrics using the Three-Box Model. Ensure individual and team goals align with the defined metrics. Incorporate these metrics into your playbook and set up CRM reports for consistent tracking.

4. Building a Training Program: Establish a training program calendar, including session lengths, participants, and rules of engagement. Poll your team for training preferences and focus on sales, technical, and business skills. Adjust the program as needed for continuous improvement.

By diligently following these steps, you'll lay the foundation for a dynamic and effective sales team. Now, let's explore the early signs and mid-cycle results you can expect.

Early Signs of Success:

In the initial stages of implementing these habits, watch out for three signs of life:

  • Increased Team Meetings: A surge in meeting numbers indicates elevated energy levels and effective information dissemination.
  • Growing Pipelines: Pipelines trending toward targets signify progress, especially in the middle box of the active pipeline.
  • Team Collaboration in Closing Deals: Teams actively engaging in deal closures demonstrate cohesion and project collaboration.

Mid-Cycle Results:

Around the three to nine-month mark, anticipate four key areas emerging in your team:

  • Personalized IQ: Tailored team programs that respect individual differences, fostering a culture of diversity and performance summing to a greater whole.
  • Transparent Accountability: Reduced gaming of the system, increased openness about results, and improved support among team members. Deadlines become more consistently met.
  • Data-Driven Analysis: Enhanced readiness for one-to-ones, improved CRM hygiene, and metrics becoming systems, symbols, and norms throughout the organization.
  • Learning Becomes a Habit: Teams exhibit increased accountability for training, self-learning improves, and measurable behavioural differences result from the training program.

Listen to the podcast: The 4 Critical Outcomes of Successful Sales Leadership

Final Word:

Navigating sales leadership is challenging, but it's a crucial step in personal and professional growth. Embrace the difficulty, seek mentors, invest in self-learning, and remember that mastery takes time.

Surround yourself with a supportive team and eliminate toxicity for a thriving sales culture.

As we conclude this Effective Sales Leader series, remember that sales leadership is a journey, not a destination. Watch out for upcoming blogs and podcast episodes that will continue to dive deeper into the growth journey of highly effective sales leaders.

And before we wrap up, here's a health and well-being tip: In moments of chaos, remember the mantra, "This too shall pass." Acknowledge the transient nature of challenges and victories, maintaining perspective and composure.

If you're looking for more resources to build superpowered sales teams, DM us 'Stronger' on social media for exclusive materials. For personalized assistance, book a free discovery call on our website.

See you next week for another blog from Stronger Sales Teams.

Eager for more insights?

I've got so much more to share with you on the Stronger Sales Teams Podcast – with new episodes dropping weekly, listen in today!
About the Author

Hi, I’m Ben

I’m a builder of incredible sales teams, trainer, coach and an avid believer that the best sales leaders are constantly sharpening their tools to achieve an ‘edge’.

[email protected]