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The Power of Lead Generation

Jul 20, 2023

Let’s discuss the essential aspect of lead generation in sales. While many salespeople rely on marketing-driven warm leads, the most successful ones know the importance of hunting for leads themselves. Here, we will delve into the first stage of the sales process: lead generation. We will explore an effective model, known as the 3-Box model, and discuss eight strategies to help sales teams generate their own leads.

The Three Box Model: A Simple and Effective Metric

The 3-Box model is a tried and tested set of metrics that has proven successful across various businesses. In this model, imagine three boxes in your mind: the left box representing ‘number of meetings’, the middle box representing ‘quotes’ or the ‘active pipeline size’, and the right box representing ‘sales achieved’. Each box reflects an important aspect of the sales process. By using these metrics, sales teams can gain deep insights into their performance and the effectiveness of their lead generation efforts.

The left box signifies the number of customer visits or meetings that sales teams have with qualified prospects who are genuinely interested in their products or services. The middle box represents the active pipeline, indicating the number of quotes or proposals being actively pursued. Finally, the right box signifies the closed business, the value of the deals successfully closed. By tracking these three metrics, sales leaders can evaluate the efficiency of their lead generation activities and make informed decisions to improve their results.

Strategies for Effective Lead Generation

  • Set and Agree on Target Markets and Lead Generation Goals: Establish clear target markets and the number of leads each salesperson should generate. This alignment is crucial for holding the team accountable and ensuring a healthy blend of marketing-generated and sales-generated leads. By defining specific goals, sales teams can work towards achieving their targets and focus their efforts on the most promising opportunities.
  • Build a Networking Culture: Create a culture where networking becomes the norm. Provide b2b sales training sessions and support for sales teams to perfect their elevator pitch and allocate time specifically for lead generation activities. Networking should be integrated into the team's daily routines and practices. Encourage salespeople to actively engage with their personal networks, leverage social media platforms, attend industry events, and explore partnerships with industry bodies. By fostering a networking culture, sales teams can expand their reach, build strong relationships, and uncover new leads.
  • Conduct Regular Brainstorming Sessions: Encourage the team to brainstorm and plan their networking activities. Explore various methods such as leveraging social media platforms, utilizing personal networks, referrals, industry bodies, trade shows, and targeted lead generation techniques. LinkedIn can be a powerful tool when used strategically. By sharing ideas and experiences, sales teams can discover innovative approaches to lead generation and support each other's efforts.
  • Data Collection: Determine who is responsible for collecting lead data. Consider utilizing virtual resources or dedicated teams to support salespeople in generating databases for their target markets. Effective lead generation can involve more than just the salesperson, and allocating resources can greatly enhance their efforts. By having accurate and up-to-date data, sales teams can prioritize their activities, personalize their approach, and maximize their chances of success.
  • Qualification: Emphasize the importance of qualifying leads. Encourage salespeople to gather information about potential customers and understand their specific needs. By demonstrating genuine care and interest, sales professionals can establish stronger connections and improve their chances of success. The qualification process helps sales teams focus their efforts on the most promising leads, saving time and resources.
  • Internal Allocation: Develop a program for fair distribution of lead generation responsibilities among team members. Allocate industry body partnerships, networking events, and lead referral programs in a manner that motivates the team and minimizes infighting. By ensuring a fair allocation of opportunities, sales teams can collaborate and support each other's lead generation efforts, fostering a positive and cohesive work environment.
  • Set KPIs for Contact: Define key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure contact frequency and ensure that salespeople follow up with generated leads. Following up promptly and consistently is crucial to convert leads into customers. By setting clear KPIs and providing ongoing feedback and support, sales leaders can instill a sense of accountability and discipline within their teams.
  • Make Lead Generation Omnipresent: Instill the mindset that lead generation is present in everything the team does. Incorporate lead generation discussions in one-on-one meetings, training programs, and establish systems, symbols, and norms that reinforce the importance of proactive lead generation. By integrating lead generation into the fabric of the team's operations, it becomes a natural and essential part of their daily activities.

Listen to the podcast: Episode 2: The Sales Process: Lead Generation


Lead generation is a critical component of the sales process, and empowering sales teams to generate their own leads can significantly enhance their performance. By implementing the strategies outlined above and utilizing the 3-Box model as a guiding metric, sales leaders can foster a culture of proactive lead generation and drive the success of their sales teams.

Remember, lead generation should be omnipresent in everything the team does, and consistent effort will yield fruitful results. With a well-defined target market, a strong networking culture, and effective lead qualification, sales teams can create valuable connections, solve customer problems, and ultimately bring in more business for their company. By continually refining their lead generation strategies and adapting to changing market dynamics, sales teams can ensure their long-term success and contribute to the growth and profitability of the organization.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Ben

I’m a builder of incredible sales teams, trainer, coach and an avid believer that the best sales leaders are constantly sharpening their tools to achieve an ‘edge’.

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