Talk With Us

Episode 2: The Sales Process: Lead Generation

In today's episode, Ben talks about the first stage of the sales process: lead generation. He uses a baseball analogy to explain the five steps of the sales process: getting to first base (lead generation), meeting and greeting, building a great first impression, and closing the deal.

This episode introduces the Three Box Model, a metric used to measure success in sales. The model consists of three boxes: the first, marked in red, representing the number of people interested in the product or service met in a given month; the second, marked in yellow, representing the active pipeline of quotes in units or value; and the third, marked in green, representing the business won in a given month. This model is a simple, tried and tested way of measuring lead generation and is used by successful salespeople and teams.

The episode focused on lead generation and how to get sales teams to focus on generating their own leads and learning how to hunt. To help with this, the speaker proposed eight options that leaders of sales teams or businesses can use. These include: setting clear expectations, establishing processes and metrics, introducing a three-box model, providing sales training, encouraging collaboration, leveraging technology, creating incentives, and rewarding success.

0:00:00 Intro

0:01:02 Recap of Previous Episode

0:02:40 First Stage of the Sales Process- Lead Generation

0:03:50 Lead Generation Strategies: Introducing the Three Box Model

0:006:43 The Red Box (Customer Visits)

0:03:01 Lead Generation Strategies: Introducing the Three Box Model

0:07:23 Eight Strategies for Generating Leads and Focusing on Customer Visits

0:07:32 Set and Agree Target Market and Target Lead Generation

0:08:25 Build a Culture Where Networking is a Norm

0:08:55 Regular Brain Storming Sessions

0:11:44 Targeted vs Specific Lead Generation

0:13:46 Data Collection

0:14:47 Qualification

0:15:34 Internal Allocation

0:16:07 KPI’s on Contact

0:16:30 Lead Generation Being Omnipresent

0:17:03 Recap

0:18: 54 Health and Fitness Tip

0:21:20 Outro


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