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Be the Sales Leader People Follow

The proven Sales Leadership program that builds Leaders the motivated and high performing sales teams that are critical for success... and gives back time for actual  work-life balance.

Are you ready to grow like you've never grown before?

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94% of employees say that they would stay at a company longer if it invested in their professional development

Failing to develop sales people and teams is one of the most costly mistakes businesses can make, especially when poor outcomes come on the back of wasted lead generation time and money.
The problem is that most Sales Leaders simply don’t have time for delivering training programs, resulting in teams missing out on the benefits of crucial development opportunities they need to grow (cue going to work somewhere else!)
Let Us Help You Invest in Team Performance

How We Fix This


We work with Sales Leaders to define the goals and processes they need to build an environment for exceptional team performance.


Together we build out the blueprint for their B2B sales strategy to help lead their teams to higher engagement levels and deliver long-term success.


Great Sales Strategies and tactics are nothing without effective implementation... we work hand in hand until the team are delivering their goals.

Companies that invest in Sales Training are 57% more effective at Sales than their Competitors.

With that in mind, we know that learning takes different forms for everyone.  Getting started is easy – you can listen to our podcasts, download our free resources, watch our shorts on Instagram, Tik Tok or LinkedIn or get in touch for a free introductory call. Take your next step forward and sharpen your most effective sales tactics today.
Start Your Journey Now

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The Results We Expect

Managing sales teams is tough.  We are the experienced ‘behind the scenes’ secret weapons who help Sales Leaders

1. Build more engaged teams.
2. Achieve long-term Sales growth.
3. Nail their B2B Sales strategies.
4. Achieve the work life balance they need for long-term success.
Let Us Help You Deliver Growth

Free Resources 

The Beginning of our Journey Together
The Sales Process
The FREE guide & template for building a real-world sales process.
The Team STEP Playbook
Your easy-to-follow sales strategy template.
The ‘3-Box’ Model
The best sales metrics to measure your team against.

Our Top 6 Podcasts to Transform Your Sales Team

Stronger Sales Teams

The Stronger Sales Teams podcast helps modern sales leaders unlock their leadership superpowers to grow revenue and profit… Jump on in to hear shared success stories and proven sales/leadership strategies that help our listeners deliver results... during both thriving and challenging economic times. 
Come in and enjoy the show, plus some great free content along the journey!
Episode 18 - Why Sales Prospecting Has Evolved, with Collin Mitchell

This week, Collin Mitchell joins Ben to discuss how sales prospecting has evolved.

Episode 10 - How to Strengthen Mental Fitness for Optimum Sales Performance

In today’s episode, Ben welcomes Juan Sanchez to talk about the importance of mental fitness.

Episode 16 - How to Design a Training Program That Will Impact Your Team's Results

In this episode, Ben highlights six reasons why training and continual learning is vital for sales leaders.

Episode 9 - How to Build a High Performing Sales Team that Actually Delivers

In this episode, Ben is excited to begin discussing the second step of their five-step sales process...

Episode 15 - The Only 3 Metrics You Need to Measure a Sales Team

In today's episode, discover the power of simplifying sales metrics with 'The 3-Box Model'.

Episode 1 - The Sales Process: Game Plan

Welcome to the pilot episode of the Stronger Sales Teams Podcast by Ben Wright - we hope you enjoy it!

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What people are saying about us

The tremendous support, practical advice and no-nonsense approach to leadership helped me achieve simply outstanding results.  These guys really know how to build sales leaders, I cannot recommend them enough!
Ben Drew,
Digital Growth Strategist, Google
We achieved 163% qtrly revenue growth in our Commercial sales teams and doubled our quote pipeline.  The focus on modernising our Sales Process, resetting of team culture and emphasis on the Customer made a significant positive impact.  Highly recommend!
Matthew Foster,  General Manager, Echo (Energy Australia)
I’ve learnt a huge amount in a very short period of time working with the Stronger Sales Team crew, it’s given me renewed confidence in the difficult art of leadership’.
Matt Gronow,
National Go To Market Manager, Coca Cola

View All Testimonials


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Let’s get laser focused on what your goals are for this year and beyond so we can hand over resources and sales strategy best practises specific to how YOU want to grow!
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Why choose us?

We live and breath to help Sales Leaders build simply awesome sales teams

No fluff. No complex models. No corporate jargon. We specialise in helping Sales Leaders deliver B2B sales strategy growth, meaning our depth of knowledge is unparalleled in our field. Get in touch to learn more about how we can work with you.
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